Welcome to the Alexander Technique Groundwork!

The videos below are drawn from SOMA’s year long AT Training program and are offered here so you can start laying the ground for your full-time studies later this year.

Each of the videos below are guided movement experiments meant to help you embody the principles of the Alexander Technique that you will be studying in-depth this coming year. The videos contain movements in standing and on the floor. You will need a space that is about 6’ x 4’ and, optionally, a yoga mat or other padding so you are comfortable on the floor.

The videos are organized in the order they were made, but you can watch them in any order and as many times as you like. If you have any questions or observations please post them in the SOMA AT Training Facebook group.

Congratulations on the commitment you are making to yourself, and thank you for trusting me with your training!

-Joe Krienke, SOMA Co-Founder and ATTT Program Director